Kerala Govt.Polytechnic college Parent Teachers Co-Operative Store is registred under, society registration act. The Register number of the society is D.2858. Dtd- 04-04-2007.
The Co-Operative Store (registered) is functioning in the college, which supplies text books and stationary items. A Co-Operative Store is working in the college to meet the necessities of students at discounted rates such as photocopying, stationery items, text books etc. It provides stationary, printing facility, Xeroxing facility etc.
Details of Governing body members is listed below.
Sl no |
Member Number |
Name of Governing Body Member |
Type |
1 |
7131 |
Clinton Thomas netto |
Teaching/Non Teaching |
2 |
7134 |
Kujammad.NP |
parent |
3 |
7109 |
Jomon Varghese |
Teaching/Non Teching |
4 |
6759 |
Bindu |
Parent |
5 |
6935 |
Sumeela.k.v |
Parent |
6 |
7132 |
Rojna.N |
Teaching faculty |
7 |
7133 |
Sreehari.K |
Teaching/Non Teaching |