About the programme:
The three year diploma course aims at imparting skills in project planning and implementation, planning and designing of structures, preparation of related drawings and estimation of quantities. One of the main objectives of the course is to groom the students as efficient and effective field supervisors and equip them in maintaining quality in construction. Various computer applications in Civil Engineering are also included as the part of the curriculum.
Career options:LECTURER
akilConstruction of structures and their maintenance is a never ending process as long as human civilization exists on earth. Developmental activities offer opportunities in infrastructure development and in providing ancillary facilities. Thus job opportunities in civil engineering are an ever green area. The major job providers in the state under government and quasi government sector are Kerala state PWD, Irrigation dept, KSEB, Kerala Water Authority, Local Self Governments, corporations and boards under public sector like Kerala state housing board, Rural development board, Kerala state construction corporation etc. All most all the companies and factories have their own engineering wing like FEDO. Under central government CPWD, Railways, ISRO, MES, GREF and other PSU’s offer a lot of opportunities. Employment opportunities also do exist in educational institutions, research organizations and soft ware sector in core area. A major chunk of construction activities take place in private sector. The opportunities in private sector are innumerable. The gulf countries in the Middle East were always been a green pastures for civil engineers. Their contribution in the economical growth of the state is immense. Diploma holders in civil engineering as entrepreneurs also have proved their caliber as success full persons.
Faculty Members