Finishing School

Finishing school programs are designed to provide additional training and education to students beyond their academic qualifications. The focus is on personality development, soft skills, and cultural and social activities. Such programs aim to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the professional world successfully.
The curriculum of a finishing school may include topics such as communication skills, etiquette, time management, networking, and personal grooming. Some programs may also offer training in specific skill sets such as public speaking, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
By participating in a finishing school program, students can enhance their confidence, improve their social skills, and develop a well-rounded personality. These skills are essential in today's competitive job market, where employers look for candidates who can communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and display professionalism.
Overall, a finishing school program can provide an invaluable learning experience for students and help them succeed in their personal and professional lives.

Faculty-in-Charge: Jamseena.U.K, Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Engg.
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